conlang, fanfic, nanowrimo

Strange as News from Bree: NaNoWriMo 2023

The Shire is the perfect setting for English-style murder mysteries. The idea is irresistible. The only issue is that, of course, hobbits do not commit murder. It would be unthinkable! A hobbit detective would be stuck solving mysteries of missing pies and silver spoons. Nefarious, no doubt, the stuff of high drama and family feuds. But I wanted to write murder mysteries. So… I set the stories in Bree, where there are lots of people who are not hobbits, and all sorts of murderous business can be afoot.

Writing Process

Journey of a Million Words

For good or ill, my friends, I have decided. I'm taking on a challenge called The Million Word Year. Starting November 1, 2023, I'll be embarking on a year-long writing journey where I aim to write one million words across various projects. It's ambitious, exhilarating, and terrifying, The Million Word Year is not just about… Continue reading Journey of a Million Words

Artificial Intelligence, Axon, Inc., nanowrimo, Writing Process

Axon, Inc. Revisions: NaNoWriMo 2021

At this point it's getting a bit embarrassing to admit that I've been working on this book since 2013. It still remains my pet project and the one I'm most anxious to have see the light of day, since it reflects many of my own experiences and hopes and fears -- about my profession (artificial… Continue reading Axon, Inc. Revisions: NaNoWriMo 2021